career in tourism

We all enjoy traveling. In fact, as humans, we have an innate desire to travel to new places and learn about different cultures. And it is this curiosity about the unknown that makes a tourism career one of the most thrilling.

But is a career in tourism as good as we make it out to be? The fact is that, like almost every other industry, travel & tourism jobs can be demanding. However, for the right individuals — those with a passion to learn and an ambition to go above and beyond — this industry might be a wonderful match.

And if you’re thinking about entering this ever-growing business because you have a genuine desire for adventure and new experiences then here are seven compelling reasons why you should:

You Will Have an Immersive Learning Experience

In many professions, you first learn and then practice. In tourism, however, practice is an integral element of the learning process. The beauty of tourism is that it is a highly hands-on and creative industry, which means that the best way to learn is to immerse yourself in it.

Assume you’re pursuing a Tourism Management Course in Dehradun. It’s not something that can be taught through a book. Instead, it is something that is learned via immersive study experiences at institutions from instructors and business executives with years of expertise in the same field.

There Are Several Doorways

‘Tourism’ is a pretty wide phrase and under the tourism umbrella, you’ll discover a vast range of vocations which means there are numerous different doorways to a tourism career. The good news is that regardless of your strengths or hobbies, you should be able to find a vocation that complements your own unique skills.

From desk-based travel brokers and vacation planners to hotel and cruise ship workers; from tour operators and adventure guides to air cabin crew; from sales and marketing executives to pilots, divers and managers… The list goes on and on!

You Will Develop Transferrable Skills

While we all start new jobs with an optimistic vision for the future, tourism is not for everyone. And that’s OK. Sometimes we have to try things to figure out that they aren’t right for us. In other industries, changing careers might mean starting again but this is not necessarily the case in tourism.


Because tourism is more than just travel. It’s about education, marketing, entertainment, money, cultural awareness and other transferable skills.

It Is Adaptable

Gone are the days when a routine 9-5 job provided a steady wage! Once you begin your career in the Travel & Tourism business, you will have a flexible work schedule, ranging from remote options to picking your own work schedule and you will be in charge of your own progress chart.

You’ll Get to See the World

There is no denying that one of the key motives for seeking a career in tourism is to travel the world. There are various professional choices that allow for travel, allowing you to work from a single place overseas or even travel often as part of your job.

Consider cruise ships, for example. There are numerous various roles on the ships, including children’s workers, cooks, waiters, hotel personnel, performers, medics, destination specialists and so on. and they are all on the go, waking up to new views every day.

It Is Always Evolving

Do you despise the feeling of being stuck? Do you appreciate knowing that you’re continually progressing? That is something that many tourist professionals like about their employment as tourism is evolving and it is evolving on a regular basis.

You Have the Potential to Influence Change

If you want to do more for the future of our planet and its inhabitants, a career in tourism is one of the most effective ways to help make a difference. Tourism roles allow you to take the required steps to safeguard disappearing cultures, save the world’s biodiversity and develop travel systems and procedures that will guarantee that our children and grandchildren have the opportunity to experience what we have.


As we can see, working in the tourism industry can be quite lucrative. However, unlike other professions, tourism is not a structured career and has no linear path to the top. 

So before deciding to make a career in tourism, make sure to do some research and examine the various sorts of jobs that come under the tourism umbrella and comprehend how each of these occupations has its own career path. Knowing what you want from a tourism profession can make it simpler to discover a career path that showcases your abilities and makes you happy.

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